Special order of the day 20 Oct 1954

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Iscritto il: mar 3 mar 2009, 21:00
Località: trieste

Special order of the day 20 Oct 1954

Messaggio da potter »

Good day to all !
Among my father's souvenirs I found the attached document which can be of interest to Betfor friends.
My father was a civilian employee in Via Cumano Barracks . :36_1_12:

...guera jera ,poco se magnava, Francesco Giuseppe Imperator e dopo de lu solo pajazi !
(Manlio Malabotta)
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

:-)Potter, anything you can do to make the writing on that Special Order legible? Can't make anything out even with a magnifier. Enlarge or even, maybe, rewrite it on the keyboard, please? Thanks. Larry

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 1697
Iscritto il: sab 10 mag 2008, 21:03
Località: T.L.T.

Messaggio da serlilian »

Larry ha scritto::-)Potter, anything you can do to make the writing on that Special Order legible? Can't make anything out even with a magnifier. Enlarge or even, maybe, rewrite it on the keyboard, please? Thanks. Larry
Click on the picture, Larry. It will open in another window. Then click on it again to enlarge the picture. It isn't very clear, but I think you'll be able to read it.

- . - . -
[size=75][i]"Quando comincia una guerra, la prima vittima è la Verità.
Quando la guerra finisce, le bugie dei vinti sono smascherate,
quelle dei vincitori, diventano Storia."
(A. Petacco - La nostra guerra)[/size][/i]
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

:-) Serlilian, many thanks. Did so and no problems. Ciao, Larry

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 1697
Iscritto il: sab 10 mag 2008, 21:03
Località: T.L.T.

Messaggio da serlilian »

You're welcome! :ciao:

- . - . -
[size=75][i]"Quando comincia una guerra, la prima vittima è la Verità.
Quando la guerra finisce, le bugie dei vinti sono smascherate,
quelle dei vincitori, diventano Storia."
(A. Petacco - La nostra guerra)[/size][/i]
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

:-D Mr Potter, Larry Southgate here. On behalf of the Betfor Association in England of which I am a committee member, many thanks for having posted that special order of the day on this web-site. I copied it and passed it on to the gent that runs our website. Due to my ignorance of IT it did not arrive but he came to this page, copied it again, tidied it up and it now occupies a special page on our website in UK. I also sent a copy to the TRUST troopers website on YAHOO in the USA and some friends of mine in America. It is actually a historical document of which I do not expect there are many left in the world. You should also post a copy on the Italian section of this website, under the section La Nostra Citta, storia, or whatever. It is a part of the history of Trieste as well as of the British and American Troops who had the good fortune to be stationed in the beautiful city. Don't lose it. Keep it safe. In fifty years time it will be worth a lot of money as a part of antiquity. Even today, it is worth quite a bit as a historic document. If you do not want to keep it, I would be glad to take it off your hands. Come down and visit us in June this year at the Hotel Italia. Members of the Betfor Association will be there from 10 June for at least a week. We'll buy you a Dreher.
Larry Southgate.

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 1697
Iscritto il: sab 10 mag 2008, 21:03
Località: T.L.T.

Messaggio da serlilian »

Larry, one or two of my friends, from a militaria web-site, would be very glad to meet you and your comrades, to speak about your staying in Triest, during AMG-FTT.
Would it be possible to organize a meeting? In a pub, maybe. :wink:

- . - . -
[size=75][i]"Quando comincia una guerra, la prima vittima è la Verità.
Quando la guerra finisce, le bugie dei vinti sono smascherate,
quelle dei vincitori, diventano Storia."
(A. Petacco - La nostra guerra)[/size][/i]
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

:-) Serlilian, can you be a little bit more specific. A meeting would present no problem but where? A pub in England? Or in Trieste in June this year? I live just outside a town called Stockport, which is 11 miles from Manchester. We do have regional get-togethers in various places around England during the year. I think the next one nearest to where live will be in Buxton which is about a half hour drive from where I live.
I can give you the date for that meeting tomorrow. Always pleased to meet someone interested in the FTT.

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 1697
Iscritto il: sab 10 mag 2008, 21:03
Località: T.L.T.

Messaggio da serlilian »

Dear Larry,
I'm afraid that it would be quite difficult to join your meetings in England, eventhough I would like to visit Great Britain. Let me know where you'll go, and perhaps....
In the meanwhile I would like to meet you and your comrades in Triest, with some on my friends, collectors of militaria and interested in the history of our town.
Did I tell you that I was born during the Allied Military Government? I was born the 14th July 1948. All my family grateful remembered that period of peace and wealth for our town. :-D

- . - . -
[size=75][i]"Quando comincia una guerra, la prima vittima è la Verità.
Quando la guerra finisce, le bugie dei vinti sono smascherate,
quelle dei vincitori, diventano Storia."
(A. Petacco - La nostra guerra)[/size][/i]
Ursus Canadiensis
Messaggi: 371
Iscritto il: ven 16 gen 2009, 19:04
Località: BC, Canada

Messaggio da Ursus Canadiensis »

serililian wrote:

Did I tell you that I was born during the Allied Military Government? I was born the 14th July 1948. All my family grateful remembered that period of peace and wealth for our town.


Arnie :36_6_2: :36_6_2: :36_6_2: :36_11_6:

If at first you don't succeed, try reading the instruction manual.
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Messaggi: 1697
Iscritto il: sab 10 mag 2008, 21:03
Località: T.L.T.

Messaggio da serlilian »

Yes, I'm very young in front of Larry, that already was a soldier, when I was born. :lol:

- . - . -
[size=75][i]"Quando comincia una guerra, la prima vittima è la Verità.
Quando la guerra finisce, le bugie dei vinti sono smascherate,
quelle dei vincitori, diventano Storia."
(A. Petacco - La nostra guerra)[/size][/i]
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Messaggi: 41810
Iscritto il: dom 25 dic 2005, 19:29
Località: Trieste, Borgo Teresiano

Messaggio da babatriestina »

serlilian ha scritto: Did I tell you that I was born during the Allied Military Government? I was born the 14th July 1948. All my family grateful remembered that period of peace and wealth for our town. :-D
Do you see how the same period can be viewed in different ways??
I was born in the same year and same month :-D :-D :-D , and I had the impression of a period of incertainty, cold war, a lot of borders, some of them even mentally closed, restlessness...
the only wealth I remember were the cheap cigarettes , but as I was and still I'm not a smoker, I find it uninteresting.

"mi credo che i scrivi sta roba per insempiar la gente" ( La Cittadella)
Messaggi: 49
Iscritto il: mar 3 mar 2009, 21:00
Località: trieste

Special order of the day 20 Oct 1954

Messaggio da potter »

Hi Larry !
Good afternoon ! I'm very glad to reading your appreciation for the
xerocopy posted ! Being my father's souvenir it is not my intention to get rid of it neither to convert it into cash; however in view of the chance
that you may come to Trieste I will try to get a better copy.
My warmest greetings to your association, maybe one of you met my father. Ciao, John Paul Potter

...guera jera ,poco se magnava, Francesco Giuseppe Imperator e dopo de lu solo pajazi !
(Manlio Malabotta)
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

Ah, ben, qui posso uccidere due uccelli con una sola pietra.
Serlilian e Potter. Sarebbe una grande piacere incontrarvi mentre sono in Trieste. Sono prenotato in un B&B in n.18 Via Battisti, (5o pian) dal 10 giugno per 10 giorni. Ma a quanto mi pare, dovrei affittare un ufficcio e fare un diario per gli appuntamenti con tanta gente che vogliono incontrarmi. E ho anche tanti parenti da rivedere. Gli altri inglesi dal gruppo che vien a Trieste allo stesso tempo saranno alloggiati nell'albergo Hotel Italia. Se volete darmi un numero di telefono (tramite messaggi privati), potrei contattarvi dopo il mio arrivo. Arrivero in Trieste nella tarde pomeriggio del 10 giugno visto che il mio aereo non arriva a Venezia che dopo le 15. Poi c'e da prendere un treno da Mestre. Sto cercando imparare come usare un cellulare perche l'anno scorso ho trovato che i telefoni pubblici a Trieste non funzionano tanto bene.
Ora tempo d'andar far nanna. Bona note.

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 1697
Iscritto il: sab 10 mag 2008, 21:03
Località: T.L.T.

Messaggio da serlilian »

attento alla traduzione letterale, Larry.
"To kill two pidgeons with one stone" corrisponde all'italiano "prendere due piccioni con una fava". Noi li catturiamo vivi! :lol:

Quinto piano? C'è l'ascensore, spero!

Anche i miei amici del forum di militaria vorrebbero conoscere te e gli altri inglesi. Alcuni di loro si ricordano ancora il periodo del Governo Militare Alleato.
Uno di loro ha scritto: "Stamane avevo scritto cose simili ma mi sono incasinato e non ho spedito lo scritto.
Scrivevo di quegli anni, di come i nostri vecchi li hanno vissuti. Gli anni del primo dopoguerra, attraverso le emozioni dei giovani sopravvissuti al conflitto mondiale.
Di quando mio zio cantava lo Swing in stazione marittima e si ballava come matti, tutti giovani, americani in divisa e mule triestine, belle sorridenti. Quanti amori e quanti matrimoni che durarono tutta una vita."

- . - . -
[size=75][i]"Quando comincia una guerra, la prima vittima è la Verità.
Quando la guerra finisce, le bugie dei vinti sono smascherate,
quelle dei vincitori, diventano Storia."
(A. Petacco - La nostra guerra)[/size][/i]
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

And I came to this page again tonight because when I was about to drop off to sleep last night I suddenly remembered that I had posted a note in Italian in the English section and was prepared to apologise and make my excuses but I see that you, too, Lilliana, ha commessa lo stesso - oops, again -, have committed the same error. Naughty girl, naughty boy, we must hang our head in shame. But I am so used to writing in Italian in this Forum that it just comes automatically. My apologies to all concerned. Hopefully 'twill not occur again in the English section. As regards your friends from militaria, you can tell them that I did not partake in the fighting in Italy. I entered Italy in November 1945 in Genova and Sturla Barracks, then Bologna 1946, Pola 1946, Treviso 1946 and finally Trieste/Opicina October 1946/47. Then PALESTINE 1947/48 and back to Trieste in September 1948 staying until September 1953.
My war was fought in Northern Europe, Ardennes, Holland, Germany.

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

I do not know if you were aware of this but Il Piccolo during the last month has issued a DVD with the title - Le Ragazze di Trieste - di Chiara Barbo e Andrea Magnani. It is a litle short story of some of the 'mule' of Trieste who married American soldiers and went to live in the USA. They speak in pure Triestine still, after all these years. I had a couple of copies sent to me by friends in Trieste. If you do not have a copy, try some of the paper-stalls (gli edicoli per strada). Cost about 8 or 9 € I believe but it is very good. You would also try www.pilgrimfilm.it which holds the copyright. Contains also some black and white film from the days of the AMG.
Larry 8) 8)

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 480
Iscritto il: lun 2 gen 2006, 18:39
Località: Nord-Ovest Inghilterra

Messaggio da Larry »

Serlilian, ti rispondo a rate qui. Oh no, not again. I seem to be replying to your posting in instalments tonight. 18 Via Battisti, yes, there is a lift, thank goodness. You say the Italians catch pigeons alive? Ha ha ha. And all those poor little robin red-breasts they shoot down in Puglia and eat? But our saying of - two birds with one stone - does not mention the breed of bird. Although I have eaten - as per the old song - four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie. And very tasty too. Also wood pigeons and pheasant and partridge. All of them very tasty. I'm waiting now for the hunting season to start in August - the glorious 14th - and looking forward to being able to get a couple of grouse. Now those really are tasty. ??Grouse?? Tetraone, credo in talian.
I look forward to meeting some of your friends from the militaria forum. We should have a lot to talk about. Especially about the 'poor times the youth went through after the war'. And especially the fact that the war actually passed by Trieste and that the city escaped most of the bombing and fighting that other towns in Italy suffered. What did they expect? Italy was an enemy country and an ally of Germany. Trieste was fortunate that the Allies occupied it for 5 years thus helping it to get back on its feet whilst the other Italian towns (and youth) had to look after themselves. But the Triestine people are noted for always complaining about everything and anything and wanting other people to do things for them. Sorry, but that is the way most people think about Trieste.

Auld acquaintance should ne'er be forgot
For the sake of auld lang's syne
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Messaggi: 819
Iscritto il: mar 3 mar 2009, 18:32
Località: Sondrio (SO)

Messaggio da LELA »

Ciau Larry, ti te sa che mi no spico inglese, ma te scrivo lo steso quà vista l'ora che te gà inviado el post.
Te gò de poco mandado un e-mail, te la gà ciapada? E leta?
Rispondime come che te vol, ma te prego: rispondime!!!
Ciau, Lela (tua cognada de Sondrio, par capirse).

Il vero "giusto" è colui che si sente sempre per metà colpevole dei misfatti altrui!
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Messaggi: 41810
Iscritto il: dom 25 dic 2005, 19:29
Località: Trieste, Borgo Teresiano

Messaggio da babatriestina »

LELA ha scritto:Ciau Larry, ti te sa che mi no spico inglese, ma te scrivo lo steso quà
MOD lela, questo xe più che altro un messaggio privato, e po nela sezion inglese i se ga za lamentado che i vol leger tuto in inglese, quindi ocio a dove che te posti .

This could be better sent as a private message, and in the English section it is better to write in English, please! / MOD

"mi credo che i scrivi sta roba per insempiar la gente" ( La Cittadella)

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