Informazioni sulla privacy

Strumenti Utente

Strumenti Sito

regolamento_en Forum Rules

English version of the Italian release 2.7.0
The translation from the Italian text was carried out, with some modification, by the program ollama run aya:35b.

Versions in other languages

Italiano versione 2.7.0 del 07/07/2024: this page is valid in case of disputes.

Triestin; version 2.7.0 del 07/07/2024

Deutsch Version 2.6.3 von 22.04.2024 (veraltete Version)

English release 2.7.0 dated 07/07/2024

Français Version 2.6.3 du 22/04/2024 (version obsolète)

Introduction and Purpose of the Forum

The “a Trieste” Forum was created to talk about our city, to make it known, to deepen its knowledge, and is open to everyone, Triestines and non-Triestines, residents, immigrants, and those who live far away but carry it in their hearts.

The management of the Forum is based on the work of a group of people who dedicate themselves voluntarily and take care of its maintenance. Suggestions and proposals made in a collaborative spirit will always be welcome, whether they refer to the functionality of the Forum or to this regulation.


In this regulation, some words are used whose meaning is specified.

By the term registered user, we mean a natural person identified by an email address, a nickname (public identifying name) and a password (secret keyword known only to the registered user).

By the term moderator, we mean a registered user who has administrative rights and can access any post at any time, edit it, block it, delete it or move it. A moderator's decisions can be subject to review by the group of all moderators, who, if necessary, will deliberate by majority vote. Moderators can, upon request or for security reasons, change the passwords of other users. However, they are not able to connect to the Forum using the details of another registered user unless the latter has deliberately chosen to provide his password and ask for collaboration. The term administrator is, in this Forum, substantially equivalent to moderator.

By the term netiquette, we mean the set of rules which a registered user must adhere to in relation to other users and in the use of resources. For a more analytical definition, see

By the term post, we mean an intervention sent to the forum for publication. It is also referred to as message.

By the term flame we mean a deliberately hostile and provocative message posted often with the intent of eliciting resentful reactions from others.

By the term topic we mean a group of posts characterized by a common subject. The sequence of posts in a topic is sometimes called a thread.

By the term off-topic, often abbreviated as OT, we mean a message whose content falls outside the scope of the topic.

By the term forum we mean a virtual container of topics linked by a common topic. By the same term, written with an initial capital letter, Forum, we mean the entire container accessible at

By the term section we mean a group of forums characterized by a certain homogeneity in content or access permissions.

By the term phpBB we mean the web community software released under the “General Public License” (hereinafter “GPL”) freely downloadable from For more information on phpBB, refer to this last address.

By the term cookie we mean small pieces of information that phpBB can store on a user's computer, enabling the identification of the user, whether registered or not, during subsequent visits or even when navigating from one page to another. We do not carry out any user profiling, and the cookies used are only the so-called technical cookies. If you have concerns about your privacy, this page, which does not use cookies, can list those opened by the Forum and allow you to delete them.

By the term provider we mean an Internet service provider (ISP) that offers, upon conclusion of a supply contract, services related to the Internet, such as access to the World Wide Web, email, and data storage on its infrastructure.

Obligations upon registration

By registering on (hereinafter “us”, “our”, “A Trieste”, “Atrieste”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms of use. If you do not agree to be legally bound by these terms of use, you are advised not to use the services offered by “aTrieste”.

The rules on intellectual property are extended to anyone who wishes to use the contents of the Forum, even if not registered.

The terms of use may change from time to time, and we will make every effort to notify users of such changes. However, it is the user's responsibility to regularly check these pages for any modifications, as continued use of “Atrieste” services implies full acceptance of these terms.

Each registration must correspond to a single physical person; multiple registrations, even if supported by different email addresses, are not allowed and will be immediately deleted when discovered.

Since users are responsible for their writings, registrations of minors are not allowed.

Writing Posts

Once registered, a user must wait for approval from a moderator before being able to write a post. This approval usually takes place within 24 hours. If this does not occur, the user is asked to contact the administration via email.

Writing posts is done using the tools provided by the Forum. By pressing the 'Send' button, posts are immediately readable by everyone without further approval from moderators.

After a post is sent, it remains editable by the author for a few minutes 1), allowing time to spot any material errors and correct them. After this time has passed, users who are not moderators cannot delete or modify their messages. This limitation serves, for example, to prevent User A from posting, User B from referencing it, and then User A modifying or deleting the original post, making the reference incomprehensible and causing misunderstandings and discontent. It is recommended to always use the Preview function before sending a message to see how it will appear once sent.

Typographical errors can be corrected automatically by the moderators; you can ask them to modify formal aspects of the message. For substantial changes, you must contact the moderators.

Rules for harmonious living

Good manners, even in its form of netiquette, should be sufficient to ensure a serene and regular functioning, but it is better to specify the following rules:

Messages that are considered unacceptable and therefore prohibited are those that:

  • Contain insults, vulgarities, and offenses directed at individuals, users and non-users, or racial, linguistic, political, or other groups;
  • Violate or incite the violation of laws;
  • Contain apologies for totalitarian regimes;
  • Contain expressions and statements intended to create flame between users;
  • Contain economic promotions, pornographic messages, computer piracy, unsolicited mail (these last messages will be immediately deleted - as well as the registration of the posters).

If a moderator finds that a message violates one of these rules, they are authorized to remove the message and move it to a reserved area (quarantine). The moderator group will then decide whether to restore the message, delete it, or modify it. The group will also decide, if necessary, on measures to be taken against the author of the post. Information about such initiatives may be given privately to the author and publicly. However, this information is not mandatory.

In case of violation of specific legal norms, we reserve the right to file a complaint with the competent authorities.

Cross-posting, that is, inserting the same message in different sections of the Forum, is not accepted: moderators will retain, if necessary, only one of the posts, in the most appropriate section, and delete the others without notice. Repeated cross-posting may lead to the cancellation of the user's registration.

Moderators reserve the right to move messages deemed OT (off-topic) to the most suitable part of the Forum, in order to make it easier to find messages and information. They may, if they deem it appropriate, notify the authors of such actions. However, this notification is not mandatory.

Privacy: registered users undertake not to disclose data such as telephone numbers, email addresses, or photos of other users without their consent.

In case of violation of the aforementioned rules, moderators reserve the right to apply, at their sole discretion, the following sanctions:

  1. Warning
  2. Temporary suspension
  3. Expulsion from the Forum

Moderators are not obliged to follow the entire hierarchy of sanctions, and in particular, in the face of particularly unfair behavior, they may decide on immediate expulsion from the Forum without notice. Moderators may inform users about sanctions, but this is not mandatory. In particular, in the case of serious violations, expulsion from the forum may take place without notification.

Users are allowed to appeal sanctions by contacting moderators via private messages or email.

Users are invited to report any violations of the rules to the administrator and moderators via private message or email.

Users are also invited not to react to provocations, to avoid flame, and not to use the Forum for private exchanges of opinions.

Deleting a registered user

A user can be deleted either by decision of the moderators or at his request.

As a rule, the posts of a user who requests deletion or is deleted remain on the Forum with their original username. The nickname of a user who has requested deletion may, at the discretion of the moderators, become inaccessible to others or available to anyone who requests it. In this case, the fact that the authors are different is highlighted by the graphics used to display the author data of the posts.

Intellectual property of publications

The material on the Forum (texts and photos) is published by users who remain its owners and responsible; it is licensed Creative Commons with the attributes of “Attribution”, “Noncommercial” and “Share Alike”. Works with the additional limitation of “No Derivative Works” should be accepted, whose specification must be made by the user for each individual publication. (for further information, see ).

Beyond the necessary bureaucratic language, this means that “The material on the Forum can be copied as long as its source and license are cited” (Creative Commons with the attributes of “Attribution”, “Noncommercial” and “Share Alike”).

As already specified, the ownership and responsibility for what is published belong to the users. The administration reserves the right to apply, as a 'stamp', on images that physically reside on the Forum's resources, a logo that attests to their provenance. This 'stamp' is not applied to images that physically reside on other sites.

Please remember that the law regulates the publication of photos depicting people. The administrators assume that those who publish photos on the Forum know the law and have respected it. Any further responsibility must be ascribed to those who published the images. The administrators, if informed of the failure to comply with the rules, will remove the material in question, even without informing the author of the publication.

Forum management

The moderators of this Forum will try to remove or modify all controversial material as quickly as possible. Messages are checked after their publication and they are removed only if they violate the law or the rules for good living expressed in this same regulation. Consequently, readers of the Forum should be aware that all messages contained therein express the viewpoint and opinions of the author and not those of the administrators, moderators or webmaster who are not liable for opinions expressed by others.

This Forum uses cookies to store information on the user's computer. These cookies do not contain any personal information, they only improve the use of the Forum and are called “technical cookies”.

The only mandatory personal information to be released at the time of registration is the e-mail address, which is used solely for the purpose of:

  • confirming registration details and password;
  • resending the password in case of loss;
  • sending essential communications.

Some of these shipments are automatic and controllable in the user profile.

Technical aspects

'a Trieste' uses the phpBB system. It is a very common software for managing forums. It has been chosen because it seems to be a reasonably reliable system.

The Forum is stored on an external service provider who takes care of all aspects related to connectivity. The custody of data by the provider is subject to Italian law.


The moderator staff of the Forum “aTrieste” undertakes to remove any post that will be reported as illegal, as soon as it is detected or, in any case, upon notification. The responsibility for the posts and the violation of the rules rests with the registered users.

The registered user must assume that personal data, both those required and those that he has voluntarily chosen to enter, are stored in a database. Measures have been taken to limit access to this data to authorized persons only. However, the user should know that the Internet is essentially an open space and that violations of security measures can occur. The user agrees that any violation of these measures is not attributable to the moderator staff who nevertheless recommend keeping personal information to a minimum.“

10 minutes for edits and only 5 for possible deletion
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regolamento_en.txt · Ultima modifica: 04-02-2025 15:19 da sono_piccolo_ma_crescero

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